Healthcare portals: why is the value of good customer experience hard to articulate financially?

Most healthcare portals are poorly designed. This might be partly because the value of good customer experience is easy to appreciate but we can’t seem to articulate the value financially. Customers are the reason-d’etre of any healthcare organization trying to make people health and happy. Healthcare organizations need to take responsibility and help their customers with access to care by guiding member to cost-effective plans and care, health fluency by providing health information and insights into care transactions, and communication with their health teams.

Don’t forget the voice of the patient when designing systems of engagement

The future of healthcare is high-touch, through properly designed software, data, and devices that allow caregivers in these systems of engagement to provide high-value interactions, with optimal cost and outcomes. User-centric design, understanding the care pathway, and not being fixated on technological wonders are all key to provide something useful to caregivers and patients.

Improving measurement of patient-centricity in clinical trials

I found a very interesting paper (“Preventing Patient Centricity from Becoming a Fad“, Applied Clinical Trials) outlining ideas and recommendations around patient-centricity measurements in clinical trials. Proper integrations of patient centricity measurement and management in clinical trials can improve the quality and vale of clinical trials, and their success rate. The author is Read more…