What does the continued exodus of Apple Watch apps mean for smartwatches?

Lyft joins a long list of big brands forgoing any app presence on the Apple Watch, a list including Twitter, Google Maps, Amazon, Instagram, and eBay. Lyft has chosen, like many others, to not have a Watch app, but relegate the Watch to surfacing notifications from the app on the phone, missing a great opportunity to transform the value smartwatches can bring to users. And that’s a shame. Designers need to take a fresh look at how a wrist-top haptic and interactive surface can provide value to users.

Healthcare portals: why is the value of good customer experience hard to articulate financially?

Most healthcare portals are poorly designed. This might be partly because the value of good customer experience is easy to appreciate but we can’t seem to articulate the value financially. Customers are the reason-d’etre of any healthcare organization trying to make people health and happy. Healthcare organizations need to take responsibility and help their customers with access to care by guiding member to cost-effective plans and care, health fluency by providing health information and insights into care transactions, and communication with their health teams.

Components of a successful data analytics program

Data is a big barrier in adopting analytics across an organization. But it is the lack of an organizational structure that will lead to failure, no matter how sophisticated the technology or algorithm. A successful data analytics program takes into account organizational awareness, an iterative strategy, a stepwise approach to adopting applications, and the development of data fluency.